A B O U T      A L I

                                                               Welcome to my world, Ali's World. 

I'm new to this whole blogging concept but wanted to give it a good crack. I'm 23 years old and currently living in the Middle East. I work in sports television and have a passion for football.

Now thats over, I can stop talking like a foreign exchange student taking an exam. Starting off, I think its important that I make one thing very clear; I am by no means a personal trainer and I'm not claiming to be - the purpose of the blog is to simply offer an alternative way to cutting and for me try and pick up some tips along the way from your feedback. 

I want to try and post everything that I eat and record every training session whilst taking the 33 day challenge. The diet is fairly simple, try not have too many carbs and enjoy a high protein diet. I aim to just have predominantly water with every meal, but I am partial to a diet coke now and again.

I guess that the main thing for me and when discussing the topic of 'cutting' with my friends is; the hardest thing is trying to identify the fine line between results/sacrifice. So, if you do accept the challenge, remember that it can be adapted to however you want to train/eat; If you want a chocolate bar, have one. If you want a beer, have a beer.. Unless you're driving, then its not such a good idea. I guess you just can't expect the same results as if you didn't have it (not that a single beer or chocolate bar is going to make THAT much of a difference). The whole method is subjective and the same for any routine; the more you put in, the more you'll get out. Anyway, I hope you understand what I'm getting at.

Enjoy the blog and let me know your thoughts.



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